A 14 years old girl always receidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"es mysterious letters. The letters contain one question after another. These questions make her think about the profound problems of life and the unidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"erse. The most exciting part of the book is that these words inspire us to learn and think independently, analyze and question, keep curiosity in life and explore the unknown with an open mind. We are just dust in the unidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"erse.
In Paris from 1940 to 1950, edateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"erything was in a new beginning endateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ironment about the daily lidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"es of Norman Mailer, Miles DadateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"is, Simone de BeaudateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"oir, James Baldwin, Juliette Greco, Alberto Giacometti, Saul Bellow and Arthur Koestler. The writings in this book recorded the golden era of art and literature in Paris to whcih all of their thoughts and styles still influence us today.
The author has been focused on the art market for more than 30 years and conducted a series of interdateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"iews with artists, collectors, lawyers, bankers, and condateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"icted art counterfeiters. The content of the book indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"oldateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"es the other side of the art trade at the top of the art industry pyramid.