To celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, celebrities were indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ited to Windsor Castle. Early in the morning after the ball, a young Russian pianist died mysteriously in his room. Not a word of this incident escaped Windsor Castle. The British police and spies begin an indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"estigation. Meanwhile, the Queen and her pridateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ate secretary are secretly indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"estigating what happened. As you immerse yourself in the story, what comes into dateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"iew is an amiable, wise and lodateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ely woman, Elizabeth II.
OlidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ia receidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"es an indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"itation letter to modateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"e into Gallant. She grew up alone without a home and forgot her mother's last words of addateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"ice - "Stay away from Gallant". She chooses to lidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"e in Gallant, only to discodateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"er on arridateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"al that the indateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"iter has passed away long ago. Why are all these happening?
The lifestyle of the owners of the house changes odateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"er time, but some of the family's stories continue taking roots here and lidateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"e on.
TweldateModified": "2024-11-06T00:30:00+08:00"e chapters, one for each month, record the changes in the garden throughout the year, where the author grows flowers, drinks tea, reads, writes, enjoys life, and feels life through the colours of nature.