“Known For Acting In Game of Thrones, The Job Lot, and Holby City.”

Italy has produced some very talented and not to mention, handsome men. Meet Christian Vit. He is the latest Italian actor to get noticed by the British Television and Movie industry. Born in Venice, his taste for acting started at the very young age of just five when he performed on stage for a pantomime.
Whilst studying at the IULM University in Milan, he received a degree, majoring in Public Relations, Consumerism and Publicity. After his studies, he returned to acting and before long he secured his first film role in "Sons and Daughters".
As his acting career in theatre escalated and his talents got noticed and consequently, he became increasingly sought after for ItalianTV productions and feature films such as Romanzo Criminale, La Squadra, Don Matteo and Carabinieri.
In 2014, Christian relocated to London and very quickly was offered the role of the lead Dornish guard in the Game of Thrones.
This led to other roles in British and international productions including, Crossing Lines, The Job Lot, The Heart Of The Forest, amongst others and in 2016, Christian joined the main cast of the very popular BBC1 Medical Drama Series - Holby City taking on one of the major casts, as Dr Matteo Rossini.
His appointments include a role in the very recently broadcasted BBC sitcom - The First Team by the same creators as The Inbetweeners and in the multiple award-winning comedy: I won’t say I love you, by director Jamie Anderson. Also in the web series Sins of Solitude by director Abbie Lucas, and the upcoming movie, I’m Not In Love, by director Col Spector.
He is also involved in other projects which are currently in the pre- & post-production stage.
— Suna Moya

CHRISTIAN VIT - The lates Italian Actor noticed by the British Television and Movie industry
I n t e r v i e w
Interviewwer - SUNA MOYA
Photographer - LATIFF NAPOLEON

Soon after relocating from Milan to Rome to start my career as a professional actor, I booked a role in an Italian TV show called “Sotto Casa”: that was my “debut” in the Italian television. I remember that the scenes I had to perform were quite wordy and we were tight with the shooting time, therefore I had to be quick and effective with my performance. That experience made me realise that I was feeling comfortable in the set environment, that I was enjoying it very much and that I could do the job even if under pressure.
After 1 year working in a corporate office as a brand manager I’ve just understood that it was not for me. I wanted a job that was much more dynamic and I had to feel much more passionate about. One day I went to watch a focus group with some colleagues for some marketing research and the moderator of the group, which I had never met before, stopped me on a side asking me confidentially: “What somebody like you is doing here?” When I asked her what in her opinion I should have been doing, the immediate answer was: "You can tell immediately you are a fish out of the water here and you should be in the creative industry”. I already knew the answer within myself but of course that day was a bit of a shock. A good shock. Soon after, I resigned and I made my way to Rome to become a professional actor.
Going on different sets is like visiting different worlds. It is crucial for an actor to adapt quickly and to well fit to the rest of the mix. After doing my preparation on the character I always try to stay very flexible and open to adjustments in order to give exactly what I’m asked from the director. The costumes, the scenography and the colleagues i’m playing with of course help with the process of adapting.
I trained for several years learning what is called “the method”. It is an acting technique that involves building the most intimate connection with the character that you are about to play. It all starts with the identification of what are the common traits between the actor and the character and then doing research and putting a lot of work in understanding the ones they are not. It’s like collecting the ingredients to cook a recipe: some of them are in the house already, others you have to go out somewhere to get them and it might happen that you don’t even know what they taste or look like. The ingredients to build up a character are emotions, feelings, attitudes, habits, gestures….. everything that is put together creates a personality and a physicality.
Then you need to find the right proportions amongst all of them and you need to start making choices on how to portrait the character. Good and bold choices make an actor great and a character memorable.
I’ve always been attracted by the fact that acting gives you the chance of experiencing different lives and living different stories.
I never get bored of acting, there is always something unpredictable that happens and makes every experience different and great to be lived.
An acting career also implies a deep journey within your own self in order to explore and to be aware of all the “ingredients" that are in the house (as I’ve mentioned before) and the more you know them the quicker you can bring them out.
I really enjoyed playing my role in Game of thrones as the series was simply magnificent and being on set was a delight. But to say that playing Dr Matteo Rossini in the BBC1 medical drama Holby City gave me the chance to sympathise for a character in a way I never did before: playing Dr Rossini for 1 year allowed me to go really deep emotionally with the character’s exploration and building process.
Even if I’ve been in the industry for quite a few years the feeling I’ve just started and the more I become mature as a man the more interesting and complex roles I’ll be ready and able to play.
Since I started my career I had some teachers that helped me in finding my own acting style and certainly I had quite a few actors that have been and still are inspirational to me. To mention a few, I would say Daniel Day-Lewis for his complete and absolute dedication to the work and the always outstanding performances he has been able to deliver, Fabrice Luchini for his natural and flawless intensity, Sean Penn for his way to adapt to every role and Tony Servillo for the finesse of his performances.
I’d love to experience more and more international projects having the chance to work in many different markets . Being able to speak different languages has always proved to be a triumph card for me as I got the chance to be seen for roles that I wouldn’t have even imagined just by staying in my native country.
I actually speak Spanish too. I like French movies very much and I also happen to have representation in France. I’d love to play in a French Movie or TV series and I hope this opportunity will come along in the near future.
Generally speaking I think that any expression of creativity is positive for the society and Cinema, which is also an art, doesn’t make any exception in this case. In movies we can find anything including positive and negative messages but nevertheless I think we shouldn’t forget that their main function should be to entertain.
We are now in the golden age of TV, so much content is being created and the quality of the products is just amazing. In this particular historical moment, as an actor, I think it would be great for me to land a role in a strong TV series that can possibly run for a few seasons and that has global exposure. I love movies too of course and I can see today crossing over between the small and the big screen is getting more and more normal for an actor.
In normal conditions I like to travel a lot and to discover new places also near where I live. I’m a foodie and I also have a master degree as a professional sommelier which I studied for my own enjoyment. My grandfather used to make wine so I was always fascinated by the wine world.
Cooking and trying new restaurants is something that I really enjoy.
I adore going to the theatre, the opera, museums, art exhibitions and I also like to support charity causes.
Besides these social activities I also enjoy having some “me time”. Part of my personality enjoys being a bit of a "lone wolf” from time to time so I like to take very long walks surrounded by nature.
I think a healthy routine and lifestyle is very beneficial to keep body and mind in a good place. I’m very active, I usually train at the gym 5 times a week plus the fast paced long walks I mentioned before. A healthy diet is crucial too but I don’t like to be obsessed with that. I think that it is good to have a healthy balance between discipline and self rewarding. Resting properly is also very important, I don’t usually do late nights unless it is a special occasion, I like to go to bed before midnight and wake up quite early in the morning.
My Italian side always had me to have an eye for fashion and I like my clothes to express my personality.
John Varvatos, Armani, Zegna, Brioni, Tom Ford and Dolce & Gabbana are amongst my favourite designers.
I happened to visit China several times as my sister Sharon has been living there for more than a decade. I’ve always been very fascinated by its local culture and the vastness of its territory. The Chinese film business is huge and I appreciate it is the second largest film market in the world. So absolutely yes, It would be really interesting for me as an actor to have the opportunity to work in such a great market too.
I think every actor at some point in the career should spend sometimes in Los Angeles and feel Hollywood’s vibes. I’m not allowed to disclose much but I can say that a project in the pipeline which is meant to be shot in Rome at the beginning of the summer and that will involve American talents too.