“The City of Literature, Whiskey, Bagpipes & Kilts With Unrestrained Temperament.”

From Edinburgh's majestic castle and the imprint on their walls, you feel the centuries-old storms that have passed by here.., and where visitors inadvertently began to imagine which era they are experiencing.

Ancient buildings are seen with historical imprints everywhere. From the majestic castle and the imprint on walls, you feel centuries-old storms that have passed by here.., and where visitors inadvertently began to imagine which era they are experiencing. Arriving in Edinburgh is like entering the medieval era. And when the clouds covers Edinburgh, just standing under the cloud, or even more aspiringly - standing on the grounds of Scott Monument built over a hundred years ago with its commanding views where you will feel everything suddenly openning up... and everything is so very perfect!
...go where they will, they find no city of the same distinction;
go where they will, they take a pride in their old home. 
“Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes”
In 2004, Edinburgh was named "THE CITY OF LITRATURE" by UNESCO. It nurtures geniuses such as
The beginnings of the night in Edinburgh is mysterious, quiet and full of charm like the poem:
EDINBURGH The City of Literature, Whiskey, Bagpipes & Kilts With Unrestrained Temperament.
Edinburgh is situated at a high latitude, and the temperature is low with rainy weather all year round. Phenomenonly, it is still bright around 9 o'clock in the "summer-period" evenings, but the ancient city is very quiet...
This cold region produces the strongest Whiskey to fill the enthusiasm heart. The difference in origin of the whisky makes it taste special. In Edinburgh you can buy and enjoy drinking the best Scotland single malt whisky, feel warm stream rushes in the blood, making your whole body warm. Let the bones feel the flow with the free and unconstrained soul of the golden liquid. As the famous poet Robert Burns said: "Freedom and Whisky gang thegither!"
There is a familiar tune all over the world that makes the world pays tribute to Scotland no matter where it's played. The euphemistic and powerful tune makes people forget all the sins and ugliness in the world... making people feel trauma of war in the highland with the melody that symbolizes peace and freedom - the Scottish bagpipe! Scottish bagpipes, like the ancient Chinese drums that can effectively motivate morale during wartimes. Inspite of the historians believe that anceint bagpipes originate from ancient Egypt and were brought to Scotland by invading Roman Legions, whislt others maintain that the instrument was brought over the water by the colonising Scots tribes from Ireland, the Scottish Bagpipes carrys the sounds of traditional Scottish culture and history of the highland.
In 1947, in order to give morale rejuvenation to people after World War II and to promote cultural community between European countries, Edinburgh turned their attention to art, such as dance, opera, music and theatre, and setting up Edinburgh Festivals. Annually in the month of August, the tune of Scottish bagpipes in Edinburgh brings artists together from all over the world. At the Military Festival (TATTOO), the Scottish Army Band's bagpipes and kilts represent their logo. At night, beautifully display of fireworks fill the highland.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the clans of the Scottish Highlands fought endlessly throughout the years, and the men who was on the battlefield identified their enemy from the grating pattern they wore. In the First World War, the Royal Highlands Corps dressed in kilt uniforms, it’s was called the lady of hell by the Germans who fought the unimaginable brave and hard-core rivals.
The Scottish grating lasts forever in fashion industry. Light brown background with white, black and red lines, three thick and thin cross pattern combined into a typical Scottish plaid, this is Burberry's classic design. Thomas Burberry uses the Scottish plaid design style for trench coat, which is simple and casual, but always exudes a mature and rational charm. 100 years past since Burberry set up, when people mentioned Burberry today, the first reaction is trench coat, followed by the Scottish.

Scotch Whisky..., A Perfect Match To Go With Local Food

The Dining Room, located at 28 Queen Street, won the best restaurant in Scotland and the AA Hospitality Awards in 2017, and the drinks list and local cuisine will not disappoint you.