“Certified Holistic Medicine And Treatments Therapist”

“Certified Holistic Medicine And Treatments Therapist” nickymuldersmart_health_care
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How would it feel if you had discovered a method to make you feel more at peace with yourself and become resistant to stress while at the same time becoming more aware of the environment around you?
In fact, we could even say that this was the road to discovering inner peace.
Does it sound like something from a new-age film? Well, recently I had the opportunity to speak with an old friend of mine who was living in this situation.
I have known Nicky for years and when you looked at her you would think that she was living the perfect life. Nicky was an ex-top model. Tall, beautiful and intelligent with two beautiful children. She had a very good job in real estate, and what seemed like the perfect relationship with her partner.
But the fact is that reality is sometimes shrouded in uncertainty and it would take a life-threatening situation to understand the severity of the life that Nicky was living. Pressure, stress and living with a manipulative partner led her to finally end up in the hospital with a near-fatal heart attack.
She had hit the exhaustion button, and if she was to recover, she would have to change everything, her way of living, thinking, eating and even her very existence.
Nicky decided to leave her job after recovering from the attack and opted to take sometime out.This would be a changing point in her life, a time of self-discovery; a renewal. She decided to travel to India and reflect on her situation. She engaged in yoga meditation and acknowledge the power of natural remedies.
Now she is back in Paris and the first thing you notice about her is that feeling of positivity, which seems to surround her like a halo. Her skin is fresh and healthy, and her eyes are shining with vigour as a certified holistic medicine and treatments therapist.
We are privileged to have had the opportunity to meet with her for an interview and to understand her journey to obtaining this perfect state of well-being.
NICKY MULLER“Certified Holistic Medicine And Treatments Therapist”
Laurence LABORIE

QCEG: “Hi Nicky, could you tell us why you decided to launch your business in Holistic Healthcare and what are the aspects of holistic health?”
Nicky Mulder: “The holistic approach means to provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. Holistic health is an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. It encourages individuals to recognize the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. In 2015 after a long period of Harassment I ended up in a hospital with a Heart attack. Stress almost killed me! That’s when I wanted to know how the body and mind functioned. I needed to make my arms to prevent ending up in a similar situation, which could have been fatal. I took two years off and travelled around the world to learn everything about Neuroscience and the influence of the mind on the body. I realize now that thoughts, feelings, and emotions have a big influence on our health.”
QCEG: “How did your journey as a holistic practitioner begin?”
Nicky Mulder: “One day I took a BlaBla car to go to Amsterdam and the driver explained to me all about “Quantum Physics” and Energy Medicine. I had never heard of Quantum Physics and could not believe everything that you can with these techniques, for health, beauty, and psychological problems. I know now that Quantum Physics is the most studied and proven science and that everything and everybody is energy! He was working with a Dutch company named Raymedy. Raymedy works with sound, light and microcurrent energy to help people. I was so impressed and so interested in these techniques that he introduced me to them. Then I was supposed to sell their machines and protocols in France but got so busy helping people that I became a therapist instead, this was 6 years ago.”
QCEG: “What was it that motivated you to train in the holistic healthcare industry?”
Nicky Mulder: “I had digestif problems for so many years with a very big belly. I was always looking pregnant since my whole body was bloated. I had severe sleep disorders and coughing a lot. And I never found any relief in traditional medicine; they only made my symptoms worse. My heart attack was my wake-up call. I needed to find out for myself what I could do to get better, and also what to do to prevent ending up in a hospital bed again. I now believe that 95% of our health depends on what we put in our mouth, or even more; what we do not put in our mouth anymore.”
QCEG: “Please can you explain the concept of Holistic Healthcare?”
Nicky Mulder: “I do not know the official definition but in Holistic Health care, we tend to go more for the root causes. We try to look at the body as a ‘whole’ where everything is connected and every organ is interacting with each other, also everything is energy. Thoughts, feelings and emotions have huge impact on our health and well-being. Holistic Healthcare also takes care considerably the psychological history of a person.”
QCEG: “You spoke to me about patient education and lifestyle changes and self-care to promote wellness. What does this entail?”
Nicky Mulder: “Epi-Genetic has proven to us that there are very few genetic illnesses.
That it’s us who dictate our genes with stress, industrial foods, gluten, toxins, EMF etc or healthy foods, exercise, gratitude etc.
The goal is to inform and let people learn that we are all responsible for our own health and the life we live and to give them some tools to change and reverse their situation. The body has a fantastic capacity to heal itself and go back into homeostasis with for example - food, natural supplements, sports, a positive mind and in my case also EnergyMedicine or 'frequency' therapy.”
QCEG: “What are the principles of holistic medicine?”
Nicky Mulder: “To help the body to go back to its natural healthy state. Holistic medicine is also based on the belief that unconditional love and support are the most powerful healer and a person is ultimately responsible for their own health and well-being.
QCEG: “How did you take it from an idea to a reality; what were the first few steps you took?”
Nicky Mulder: “When I stepped into this world, it was only for my own self-healing. I never thought of being able to help other people. But I have learned that sometimes healing depends on minor changes in bad habits. Traditional medicine does not take so much care of the power of food, they don’t really teach it in school. By healing myself I started helping.”
QCEG: “Nicky..., in your cabinet, you work with many different techniques for pain, anxiety, digestive issues and depression, can you tell us about that?”
Nicky Mulder: “Very often most of these symptoms are coming from digestive disorder which is linked to our modern lifestyle and speciality food, such as transformed food and stress-related issues, don’t forget that there is more than one stressful example. Physical stress for example, in the body, when you break a leg. Mental stress for example when you are overthinking and reliving bad situations and returning to the trauma over and over again. Chemical Stress is when you are overloaded by bacteria, parasites, chemicals, toxic pesticides etc.”
QCEG: “How do you determine a treatment approach, does the wellness plan go beyond pills?”
Nicky Mulder: “In my opinion, I do believe that the body has everything available to heal itself but it sometimes needs some help. I do believe in a healthy diet, sports, sleep, clean water and a positive mind. Today we have a lot of very good natural remedies and food supplements.”
QCEG: “Please can you let us know about the different treatments that you can offer your clients?”
Nicky Mulder: “First I do an intake (questionnaire), talk about food and then do a meridian scan after that. I work with my personal technics and rebalance the body’s energy.”
QCEG: “How do you help support people struggling with stress issues?”
Nicky Mulder: “I explain to them how the brain works and give them certain exercises to do at home based on the latest neuroscience discoveries.”
QCEG: “What do we need to know to enhance the immune system and build resilience against infections and environmental pollution?”
Nicky Mulder: “All thoughts carry energy or a frequency and have a direct effect on your genes and their expression, positive or negative. Change your thought and you can change your health and well-being”
QCEG: “How does holistic care help with chronic disease management?”
Nicky Mulder: “It will help the body by taking care of, for example, inflammation, parasites, heavy metals and toxins, but we are not doctors for chronic disease and we will always advise you should contact a specialist.”
QCEG: “What do you credit to the success and growth of your business?”
Nicky Mulder: “I almost died and the holistic approach to healing has completely changed my vision of life. Today, when I see all the positive results on my clients, I am full of gratitude knowing that I have made a difference in someone's wellbeing.”